Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pretty Feet

I know that it shouldn't surprise me when I experience the wonderful beneficence that Reiki brings to those who seek help. After all, I have seen positive yet inexplicable results so many times after Reiki's healing energy channels through me to a client that no doubt exists in my mind of the power of this wonderful gift from the Creator. Still, every once in a while, the facts of an experience that I witness just amaze me!

I have been giving sessions for a while now to a woman I'll call Linda (not her real name) as a volunteer for Hospice. Linda is nearing the end of her battle with cancer and has managed to maintain the most pleasant and grateful attitude one could imagine, despite her difficult situation.

When I first met Linda, she was in so much pain that she literally could not be touched, so I had to do the entire session with my hands just off her body. By the second session, she had improved so much that she wanted hands on contact for her sessions. She continued to improve and get stronger over the course of several more sessions, an observation that both her Hospice nurse and her primary caregiver shared with me.

There was a downside to Linda's improving condition. She now felt strong enough to deal with the emotionally painful aspects of the dying process - getting her "affairs in order", as they say. Among other things, there had been hard feelings with her adult daughter, exacerbated by the daughter's refusal to accept her mom's impending mortality. In opening a window to reconnect with her daughter, Linda's time for Reiki sessions was sacrificed for over a month. She claimed that the sessions left her so peaceful that she couldn't stay awake to carry on a conversation (she did routinely fall asleep during sessions - often the only good rest she got).

Eventually, Linda's nurse reached out to me and asked me to contact Linda again to offer Reiki. Her condition had started to deteriorate and she was hoping Reiki could help alleviate her suffering. When I arrived at Linda's home and asked her how she was doing, she was tearfully upset that her feet were badly swollen. Not only did this make it difficult for her to get around using her walker, but she was heartbroken that her feet, which she had always thought were her most beautiful asset, were now "ugly" (her description, certainly not mine). She went on to tell me that her nurse had explained that multiple tumors in her groin were affecting the lymph nodes and causing the swelling in her feet. The swelling was so bad that the nurse had cut the elastic on Linda's socks since it was digging into her ankles causing additional severe discomfort.

I told Linda that there were some additional Reiki methods I could try to see if it helped. Linda has always been a very open and eager client, and she knows firsthand the power of Reiki so she asked me to use whatever techniques I thought were appropriate. Having recently completed a Master class, I was guided to use a couple of newly learned adjunct techniques in addition to a full Reiki session.

First, prior to starting the session, I covered Linda's groin area with a cloth depicting the male Antahkarana symbol, which I had learned could strengthen and focus the healing energy. I also placed a cloth with the female Antahkarana under Linda's feet. I then proceeded to do a complete session with all the hand positions. By the time I finished, Linda was sleeping peacefully . Rather than wake her, I was guided to use another technique...psychic try to pull the offending tumors away from her lymph nodes. I lengthened my Reiki fingers and visually reached in, wrapped my fingers around the tumors and visually pulled them out and threw them aside. At first, the effort necessary to pull them out was immense, but it got easier each time and once it stopped requiring effort, it seemed I could stop. I then smoothed Linda's aura and sealed the session.

Linda soon woke up and I helped her to her chair on the back porch, one of her favorite spots, while I packed up my table and supplies. I hadn't even finished folding up my table when Linda excitedly called to me to come out to the porch. She was smiling broadly and holding her legs out so I could see her feet. The swelling was completely gone! Her socks, with the cut elastic, were so loose as to be falling off. Linda was so happy to have her "pretty feet" back. What a wonderful gift of kindness for Reiki to bestow such comfort on this long-suffering gentle woman.

You could not make this stuff up!

Just for kind to all people.

Bob McGrath
Master Practitioner/Teacher
Pathways to Harmony

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